Saturday 4 August 2007


Here I am finally updating the blog! For you people who don't know it I had three day of sea survival course in Aberdeen this week, something compulsory if you have to work offshore.
It s a bit like going to the fun fair, rollercoasters and stuff...a part from their survival suits that leak everywhere, freezing your arse off after 5 min in the water!
Anyway, the course had everything you need to know: escaping from an helicopter crash (swear and swim:)), use life boats, resist hypothermia, first aid, firefighting etc..
The pearl of the course is always the helicopter escape (the photo above is taken from the net); what happens is that u r sitting in an helicopter-like frame, four-point seatbelts on, wearing "survival" suits and you get ditched in the pool and have to make your way out seven times in a row. Four times the helicopter also capsize underwater and you have to stay strapped on inside for 10 seconds before breaking the window and get the hell out! Very good fun for me but not much for the three poor Nigerians in the course that had a terrible relationship with water!
The fire fighting bit was also quite wear a smoke hood, walk into a container full of smoke and have to find the other door and get fel a bit like a lab rat!
So, after three days you are a certified survivor and you feel like Steven Seagal !
Well, know I just wait to be sent to some survey or proper fieldwork...otherwise I have to do a survival course for desk related injuries! :)