Wednesday 7 November 2007

Autumn, Nebbiolo and Fritto Misto alla Piemontese

So as most of you already know, I have had a very relaxing long week-end back home and I have just returned to the working routine today. I found an amazing weather and I basically stuffed myself with food like a pig. Let's just say that I was out for dinner almost every night, to typical osterie/trattorie where a full meal including five or six starters, pasta, a variety of meat and veggies, 1lt of red wine and coffe would cost you 15-20 Euros maximum! It is sometimes really weird how you get to realised the beauty of certain places only when they are not constantly in front of your eyes. To see more pictures check my flickr page (see link).


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures from the region! Did you gain some weight then after all the eating ;-) I'm getting hungry from all the talking about food.

Anonymous said...

ci vediamo in due giorni!!!