Tuesday 17 June 2008

Azerbaijan Diaries - 4 - Baku

We are now finally getting closer to the start of the survey. On Saturday we loaded two containers witth some of our stuff and left them on the quayside; our boat, the Svetlomor 2, arrived yesterday and work started immediately to take off all the gear from the previuos survey. We have now been told to be ready to board sometime tomorrow, although it could be Thursday early morning.

During the last couple of days I have been experiencing some kind of Azeri cold/flu that knocked me down completely. Today I am feeling slightly better and I hope I will regain some strength before starting the survey, otherwise it will be an interesting situation! I am looking forward to do this job and finish it, the prolonged wait is getting a bit on my nerves, also because living in Baku feels a bit like being is a western oil colony.

Well, thats it for now and I will probably write next time from the boat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck Ale !!!
Enjoy the survey and keep us posted.
Greet and Arno